Authentic Marketing
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Your guide for the journey is Landa Ananda Love

Landa has over 20 years experience of guiding others to reach their full potential.

After reaching the ‘top of the ladder’ as an International Communications Manager, a Chartered Marketer with an MSc in Marketing, a tutor with the Oxford College of Marketing and Lecturer at Brighton University, she crashed, realising that there wasn’t anything at 'the top of the ladder' that everyone seemed to be so frantically climbing. Following this crash, she then had a period of awakening in her late twenties.

It was a challenging time, where Landa questioned her life so far and the career choices she had made. She went on to try many different personal development and healing modalities and undertook extensive trainings in those that she found most effective. Landa then went on to set up a number of businesses within the wellness sector. She now integrates the best of her marketing and personal development trainings and experience, in a well tested structure, to simplify and accelerate others’ personal and career development. She sees Authentic Marketing as one of the most powerful tools for personal and social transformation.

Landa is a certified life coach (IICT), business coach (FCIM), meditation teacher (IYN), body-mind therapist (ATH) and advanced yoga teacher (YRT 500, Yoga Elder). She is also a registered facilitator trainer with the IYN and the IICT.

She has a rich tapestry of life experiences and trainings to draw from in guiding you on your journey and her rare set of combined skills in business and personal development allows her to offer marketing coaching as a personal development process (any personal issues and blocks that are holding will be reflected in your business). Her work is highly effective in helping you to develop your full potential, discover your passion and purpose, communicate authentically and effectively, open to your creativity, intuition and connection to life force energy, and develop presence, resilience and peace/strength of mind.

"Working with Landa as my coach has been a real delight. She beautifully blends various qualities that one wishes for in your "support person"; clear and specific yet receptive and compassionate; practical and knowledgeable yet intuitive and imaginative; humorous yet profound. She invites you into a creative dance of possibility. All the different trainings and experiences she has under her belt come together in a delicious and effective blend. I loved having her by my side. My work felt manageable, powerful and pleasurable as a result. I felt met in my mind, heart and body."
Agata Krajewska, Theatre of Awakening

Click here to arrange a free initial consultation to find out if we are a good match to work together.

About your guide ~ Landa Love

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Marketing with heart

© Landa Love 2019